Today, 5 May, we were able to take over another vehicle into our operating group!
It is the catenary car X 408, which was originally used by MThB and then by DVZO. After several years of storage in Bauma, the vehicle will now find a new use with us.
In the near future, the car will be overhauled and will keep its appearance as a catenary car. The revolving working platform on the roof, which can be reached through a hatch over the ladder, will also be retained. Inside, the vehicle will be fitted with a practical extension that will make it possible to store utensils that are not required, such as crockery, cutlery, drinks, etc., as well as spare parts and operating materials for the railcar. A small workbench and basic tools will also be available. Furthermore, it will be possible to accommodate staff for events lasting several days.
We thank the DVZO for the trust and the uncomplicated handling!